Soon opening


Book:Soon opening – David Legrève


Printing technique

Arctic Volume White

Open spine, sewn binding
Blind embossing in the cover

In early January, Mechelen regional photographer David Legrève released “Weldra Opening. His first book, entirely devoted to the past corona year. A reference work that is as hilarious as it is poignant because it so succinctly captures the absurdity of the situation. To design the book, the photographer contacted Tina De Souter. She chose subtlety and let the images speak for themselves. The cover photo, for example, depicts an unfinished, battered display case in which the title is written. A raw image that blends perfectly with the natural cardboard it is stamped on. Moreover, the open back accentuates this unsophisticated atmosphere.

The cover photo depicts an unfinished, battered display case in which the title is written. A raw image that blends perfectly with the natural cardboard it is stamped on.