7 reasons why we love print
We often read and hear the doomsday scenarios: 'Digital thrives, print bleeds to death' or 'Print has had its day.' Do we at Buroform agree to that? Of course not! A digital way of communicating is a great complement to print ... and vice versa. Are you also curious why we love printmaking so much? Then read on quickly.
Buroform launches online platform for occasion printing with Designcards
Designcards, specializing in the delivery of custom occasion printing, presents its new online platform. On it, among other things, you can design your birth and wedding prints yourself and order them at the click of a button. This makes it even easier to bring personalized, high-quality printed materials into your home.
Why print media also belongs in your marketing mix
We must remain honest, even though the digital world has evolved tremendously in recent years, sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees. There is such an overwhelming supply of online ads that direct mailing is becoming increasingly popular.
Are you a “paper diary person”?
A new year? That means a fresh start. And perhaps also the search for a new best friend to help you plan your day and week: the paper diary is all the way back. With reason!