Artist Sara Vermeylen and graphic designer Tina De Souter released “Ajuin” together last year. The book presents an emotionally layered account of pain and comfort through drawings and stories. We took care of the elaboration, layer by layer and resulting, above all, in joy.
Strident emotionality
Nothing is as layered as pain. Unless an onion, whose skirts close around the comforting heart like painful emotions. To achieve that, you have to peel off layer after layer. It is the same with us humans. With that idea, artist Sara Vermeylen and graphic designer Tina De Souter set to work. Together, they created the book “Onion,” a precursor to Sara’s 2017 interactive exhibition “Stay Between the Lines. During that nine-day socio-artistic experiment, she invited visitors to engage with the theme of “comfort. The resulting stories have been reconstructed in words and images in Ajuin.
Printing technique
Foil Printing
Yarnless bound
Multi Design
(Paper) sensitive book
A book as a balm for fear, pain and guilt. That’s Ajuin, which was exhibited during “REM – Sleep of Reason. Sara created and selected the drawings. Tina handled the photography, formatting and overall look-and-feel. The whole thing looks serene. Black and white are the symbolic colors. That sensitivity also follows the finish. The paper choice for cover and interior fell on MultiDesign® from Papyrus, which is characterized by a matte surface and rich paper feel. In contrast to the soft tone, the title was given a shiny bright blue accent thanks to foil printing.
Sara Vermeylen: “We are extremely happy with the result. This collaboration feeds the hunger for more. From the first meeting, Buroform showed the insight to understand where we wanted to go. Every question was answered, every proposal connected to the big idea behind the book. This is professional guidance as it should be, from start to finish.”